How To Decorate Modern Dining Room

How to decorate a modern dining room with ease? By combining tones, materials, influences, retro to contemporary, through the brilliance of white or a patchwork of colors, you can create a modern dining room that reflects the identity of each family member.

Warm and cozy, modern dining room has the advantage of following current trends while retaining some essential traditional codes of decoration. Between classic and design, modern dining room can be personalized using tricks deco good to you: mismatched chairs, the wallpaper pattern, a plain wooden table surrounded by metal chairs, suspensions aligned manner loft This determines the atmosphere of the place to set the tone.

Modern dining room: whereby the we recognize?

The modern dining room are a few characteristics. Setting up to receive the world, family and friends, the modern dining room consists of a large rectangular dining table, sometimes covering the entire surface of the part. She always surrounded by chairs that are contrasting, sometimes in color, sometimes in the matter (a white table with black chairs surround a crude wooden table with metal chairs surround or colorful chairs and so after). For the lighting of the room, there is often a monumental suspension overlooking the dining area.

Round and enveloping shape or rather the shape of an inverted shade, this lamp also determines the atmosphere of the place, by its style and brightness it broadcasts. The modern dining room turns to a warm spirit where the walls are not just united but united and covered frames and other wall decorations or dressed in a colorful or printed wallpaper. The modern dining room setting an enveloping atmosphere we like to spend time, even in times other than those dedicated to meals.

Finally, the modern dining room uses architectural elements to sublimate. She takes advantage of them to give a little more cachet. For example, taking place around the walls covered with paneling, it will increase a country-house effect revisited, located in the heart of an old interior moldings it will build on a soft gap between tradition and modernity, if it is between several beams or landscape near a skylight will use these assets to dress for a chic industrial style. In short, the modern dining room has more than one trick up his sleeve to assert themselves while dealing with the elements it has available. Inspire yourself through over 15 images!
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